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📗 Read What Is the RICE Prioritization Model And How Does It Work? to get started.
RICE is a prioritization model innovated by Intercom. With this model, you can prioritize your projects more effectively. Here’s what RICE stands for:
- Reach: Picture this as a ripple effect. How wide does it spread? How many individuals feel its touch within our set timeframe?
- Impact: This is the weight behind every touch. Is it a gentle nudge or a forceful push? Using our scale: Massive? That's a 3x. High? We're looking at 2x. And it trickles down from there.
- Confidence: This is our reality meter. It checks our optimism, asks how sure we are about these figures we're throwing around. Are you all in with 100%? Or perhaps a more cautious 80%?
- Effort: Time's the currency here. How many “person-months” are we investing? And remember, simplicity wins. Whole numbers, with a half-month for the lighter tasks. We’re not diving deep into decimal details.
After doing the estimates, calculate the RICE score and prioritize according to the score.
💡 RICE Score = (Reach * Impact * Confidence) / Effort
✅ Prioritize Your Projects
🌟 Take a step back after you've put down your initial scores. Is there something wrong? Perhaps a score that is either too high or too low? Adjust those numbers.